Brazilian workers call for freedom for Ahmad Sa’adat and the end of the Zionist aggression against Palestine


At a labor meeting named in honor of Carlos Marighella in Brazil on July 12, members of various organizations of the labor movement and the popular movement declared support for the struggle of the Palestinian people for justice, freedom and independence.

The participants condemned the Israeli attacks which resulted in the killing of hundreds of Palestinians and decided to escalate their work and struggle in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners, in particular demanding the freedom of the Secretary General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Ahmad Sa’adat.

Members of the Free Ahmad Sa’adat Campaign – Brazil, the Committee for Solidarity with the Palestinian People in the ABC / SP Region and the Landless Workers Movement (MST) defended the Palestinian people and their legitimate struggle for national liberation and called the organizations to perform actions across Brazil against Israeli aggression. The following movements were also present: Marxist Left – Internal Trend of the Workers Party (PT) and the Central Workers Union (CUT), National Confederation of Metalworkers (CNM-CUT), the ABC Metalworkers’ Union, Youth Metallurgical ABC, Youth Workers Party, Union of Youth Rebellion – UJR, Center for Latin American Studies (NELAM) Santo André Universitary Center, Revolutionary Communist Party (PCR), Center for Citizenship Education-Methodist University of São Paulo, students of of Social Sciences, Geography and International Relations.

The Brazilian Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat also joined the mass protest for Palestine on July 19, where they distributed this leaflet. (Download PDF).

July 19: