Ahmad Sa’adat once again denied family visits by occupation court


saadat (4)The District Court for Administrative Affairs at Bir Saba, Eshel Prison, issued yet another ruling denying Ahmad Sa’adat visits from his family members. The occupation court stated that, based on “secret evidence”, he would continue to be denied family visits and would remain in isolation.

Furthermore, the court prohibited him from receiving Arabic and English language newspapers, and allowed him only to receive Hebrew language newspapers. Since March 16, 2009, Ahmad Sa’adat has been allowed only one family visit, on June 10, 2010.

The Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat recognizes that the action of the courts is part and parcel of the political decision of the Israeli occupation state to punish Ahmad Sa’adat because of his role in the prisoners’ movement and his political positions and adherence to national principles of defending the Palestinian people and their fundamental rights. This has been what has guided every action taken against Sa’adat by the occupier, including his kidnapping from Jericho prison on March 14, 2006, his unjust 30-year sentence and his ongoing isolation since March 16, 2009, and is only the latest confirmation of their approach.

This attempt to demoralize Sa’adat and Palestinian prisoners is doomed to failure. As with the ongoing repression of Palestinian political prisoners and the Palestinian people in Palestine ’48, the constant raids and repression in the West Bank and the siege on Gaza, these efforts will fail in any attempt to crush Ahmad Sa’adat’s, the Palestinian prisoners’ and the Palestinian people’s steadfastness to adhere to their national rights, continue their struggle and return to and liberate their land.

It is urgent that the broadest campaign of solidarity with Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners be extended and enhanced on Palestinian, Arab and international levels.

Please contact the Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat – campaign@freeahmadsaadat.org with news of actions and events in solidarity with Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners.