Ahmad Sa’adat transferred to Hadarim prison from Nafha prison, Palestinian lawyer reports


saadatguardsJune 1 , 2008

Ahmad Sa’adat, General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, was recently transferred from Nafha prison to Hadarim prison as part of a policy of transferring Palestinian leaders, reported a Palestinian attorney.

Palestinian lawyer Buthaina Duqmaq, president of Mandela Association for Palestinian prisoners, reported on Sunday, June 1, 2008 about a policy of the Israeli prison administration transferring imprisoned Palestinian leaders into different prisons.

She stated that this policy seems to be aimed to prevent communication among imprisoned Palestinian leaders and an attempt to disrupt Palestinian prisoner organizing. She said that said that the administration fot the prisons have been shifting Palestinian leaders into different prisons, including Ahmad Sa’adat and Hussam Khader. Both were removed from Nafha prison to Hadarim.

Abbas Assayed was moved from Hadarim to Nafha, and Mukhlas Burghal was moved from Asqelan to Ramon. Fuad Shobaki was transferred from Hadarim to Nafha, and Jihad Arroum from Nafha to Ramon.

It must be noted that such policies come alongside the use of torture and isolation in an attempt to break the spirit and steadfastness of Palestinian prisoners, and disrupt their organizing, and that all such attempts have been and will continue to be unsuccessful.