Buenos Aires protest calls for freedom for Ahmad Sa’adat


On January 30, 2013, the Partido Revolucionario Marxista-Leninista (PRML) organized a protest in Buenos Aires, Argentina, as part of the Freedom Weeks calling for the liberation of Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners. They issued the following statement:

prmlasProtest at the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires: Free Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian political prisoners! Israel out of the occupied lands!

In the global week of struggle for the freedom of Palestinian political prisoners from Israeli fascist imperialism, we took to the street to denounce the murderous fascist policy that oppresses the Palestinian people.

Ahmad Sa’adat, the imprisoned Palestinian leader in Israeli jails, has become a symbol of freedom, dignity and steadfastness of the Palestinian people. He has now been abducted for over seven years by the terrorist state of Israel. Ahmad S’aadat is a leader of the Palestinian resistance, a member of parliament, and secretary general of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). He has been held in Israeli jails since March 15, 2006. Prior to this date, Sa’adat was held in the Palestinian Authority prison in Jericho, under British and U.S. guard since January 2002. This is 11 years of injustice and cruelty.

prmlAhmad Saadat has firmly and unyieldingly refused to recognize the Israeli military courts as an illegitimate occupying military power in the hands Yankee imperialism, denouncing the bias and illegality of these military courts serving the Israeli army.

Solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people is an imperative at the present time, due to the interventionist threat to the people of Iran and intervention in Syria made by the U.S. and NATO.

This must be opposed by a broad international front, organizing workers and other popular sectors against the policy of aggression, plunder and exploitation of the Israeli state as supported by the U.S. beachhead in the Middle East.
Today we say this in the course of internationalist solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people for their total liberation from imperialism .

From Argentina we demand that the state of Israel immediately release all Palestinian political prisoners and immediately withdraw from the occupied territories.

Partido Revolucionario Marxista-Leninista

palestina2Signed by:
Liga Socialista Revolucionaria
Aurora Tumanischwili Penelón, Guillermo López por FeTERA FLORES
Marta Speroni, militante internacionalista por los DDHH.
Alejandro Cabrera Britos, delegado general ATE SENASA MARTÍNEZ
Carlos Guanciarrosa, Agrupación Enrique Moscón, FeTERA
Carlos Loza, AGP, junta interna Asociación General de Puertos
Eduardo Espinosa, ATE, Ministerio de Desarrollo Humano Pvcia. Bs.As.
CARINA MALOBERTI, Consejo Directivo Nacional – ATE-CTA
Convocatoria por la liberación Nacional y Social, Frente Sindical:
Agrupación Martín Fierro (Varela, Mar del Plata y Neuquén)
Agrupación político sindical Tolo Arce
Centro Cultural “Alejandro Olmos”
Convocatoria Alte. Brown
Convocatoria Matanza
Convocatoria Capital Federal
Convocatoria Comunidad campesina Tartagal-Salta
Biblioteca Popular Fernando Jara, Cipoletti, Río Negro
Herman Schiller, periodista y conductor de “Leña al fuego” y “Aguantando de pie”
Susana Rearte, Coordinadora en defensa del patrimonio público y de la Soberanía
María Rosa González, comunicadora social

Aline Castro, Red por ti América, BRASIL.
Igor Calvo, militante de base del FNRP, Honduras
Colectivo Ojos para la paz, España.
Plataforma Global contra las Guerras, España
Purificación González de la Blanca, abogada. España