Week of Action to Free Ahmad Sa’adat: Calendar of Events


Ahmad Sa’adat, Palestinian leader, parliamentarian and General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, has been held in Israeli jails since March 15, 2006. Before that time, he was held in Palestinian Authority jails, under US and British guard, since January 2002.

After 11 years of imprisonment of Ahmad Sa’adat, we raise our voices once more to say: Free Ahmad Sa’adat! Free Palestinian Political Prisoners! This year, from October 17-24, 2013, stand for freedom for Ahmad Sa’adat and his fellow Palestinian prisoners. Demand their release and make it clear that they are not forgotten.

Events are taking place around the world. See below – and click here to add yours!

Toulouse, France

abdallahConcert to Support Georges Ibrahim Abdallah
9 pm Friday, October 18, 2013
La Dernier Chance, Place Arnaud Bernard, Toulouse, France

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1415422065343237/
Website: http://couppourcoup31.over-blog.com/concert-de-soutien-%C3%A0-georges-abdallah-le-18-octobre

Coup Pour Coup 31 is organizing a Concert to support political prisoner in French jails, Georges Ibrahim Aballah, at La Derniere Chance, at Place Arnaud Bernard in Toulouse.

Georges Ibrahim Abdallah is a Lebanese Communist, pro-Palestinian activist, and is the oldest political prisoner in Europe. He has been imprisoned since 1984, releasable since 1999, he has never denied his convictions. He will have been imprisoned for thirty years on October 24.

The program:
Massa Guardian, blackout sound, dancehall
Premiere Ligne, conscious rap, 93
Don Juanito Soundsystem, ska soul reggae

Manchester, UK

Free all Palestinian prisoners! Free Ahmad Sa’adat! Street protest in Manchester
12 noon Saturday, October 19, 2013
Tesco Metro, 58-66 Market Street, Manchester
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/638382702849929/

Street protest as part of an international week of action to free Ahmad Sa’adat, a freedom fighter from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and all Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails.

Join us on Market Street in Manchester and protest outside the shops and companies that are supporting Israel.

Free Ahmad Sa’adat!
Free all Palestinian political prisoners!
Boycott racist Israel!

Organised by Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!

Milan, Italy

volantino presidio prigionieri politici palestinesi 24 ottobre 2013Event in support of the call to Free Ahmad Sa’adat
6:00 pm Thursday, October 24
Piazza Oberdan, Milan (MM1 P.ta Venezia)

Website: http://www.palestinarossa.it/?q=it/content/event/presidio-sostegno-della-campagna-la-liberazione-di-ahmad-saadat

With the Palestinian Resistance, with the struggle of Palestinian prisoners, against the Zionist colonization of Palestine

The evening will present data and statistics on human rights violations in Israeli military prisons, and include the screening of videos that testify to the abuses of the occupation soldiers against Palestinian civilians, often children.

Vancouver, Canada

Postcards for Palestine: Solidarity with Palestinian Political Prisoners
4:00 pm, Tuesday October 22
Broadway/Commercial Skytrain Station
Broadway and Commercial Drive, Vancouver

Website: http://boycottisraeliapartheid.org

Join the Boycott Israeli Apartheid Campaign for awareness-raising about the Palestinian struggle for liberation! The Palestine Awareness Coalition “DISAPPEARING PALESTINE” advertising campaign is continuing. Join us to distribute postcards featuring the advertisement and relevant facts about the dispossession of Palestinian land and people.

It is also a global week of action in solidarity with Palestinian political prisoners, calling for the freedom of Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. We will have literature and placards calling for freedom of Palestinian prisoners.

Brussels, Belgium

belgiumFree Sa’adat and All Palestinian Prisoners: Evening of Solidarity
7:30 pm Friday, October 25, 2013
salle Sankara, Chaussée de Haecht 53, 1210 Bruxelles (Botanique metro), Belgium

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/531857716893019/
Web: http://www.ptb.be/weekblad/artikel/semaine-internationale-daction-pour-la-liberation-des-prisonniers-palestiniens.html

As part of the campaign to free Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian political prisoners, the Workers Party of Belgium is organizing an evening of solidarity in Brussels with members of the Palestinian community.

Hamdan Aldamiri, of the Palestinian Community in Belgium and Wissam El Haj, a Palestinian journalist, will speak, as will Khaled Barakat, spokesperson for Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, via Skype. To conclude, Bissan Ahmad will present Palestinian poetry. Refreshments available.

Albuquerque, NM, USA

International Day of Support for Palestinian and Irish Political Prisoners
6pm Saturday October 26th $5 suggested Donation
305 Washington Street SE, Suite C, Albuquerque, NM 87108

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/408835662552001

Come out for an evening of food, music, two short documentaries and letter writing and card signing!
Support our comrades who are in prison for us and for freedom!

Eileen & the In-Betweens will be performing some excellent music.

The Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat issued a global call for actions October 17-24, calling for freedom of Sa’adat and fellow Palestinian prisoners.

On the weekend of October 25/26/27, Irish republicans and their supporters will hold various protests and events on at least three continents, Australia, Europe, and North America, to show support for Irish Republican Prisoners.


Free all Palestinian prisoners! Free Ahmad Sa’adat! Protest
4 pm Thursday October 24 
Voices of ResistanceMarks and Spencer, 172 Sauchiehall Street Glasgow

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/214491195391609/?fref=ts

Street protest as part of an international week of action to free Ahmad Sa’adat, a freedom fighter from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and all Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails.

We will also be calling for the immediate release of the Hares Boys and the closure of the G4S-dungeons imprisoning Palestinian children.

Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! (Glasgow) invites all progressive individuals and organisations to join us on the streets – bring banners, flags, literature, stalls – open megaphone.

Free Ahmad Sa’adat!
Free all Palestinian political prisoners!
Boycott racist Israel!