Sa’adat: Action urgently needed to protect the lives of sick prisoners


Ahmad Sa’adat, imprisoned Palahmadsaadat (2)estinian leader and General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, called for urgent action to save the life of sick prisoners in Israeli jails, during a visit with Palestinian Prisoners’ Society lawyer Fawaz Shelouda in Shatta prison.

Sa’adat said that hundreds of prisoners are suffering from chronic illness and are in urgent need of serious treatment, and the deterioration of their situation is very disturbing. He said that this situation “requires urgent action at all levels to prevent the occupation from executing prisoners through the slow death of patients, with a policy of punishment and a program of revenge.”

Sa’adat said that the prison administration has refused to comply with the agreement made with Palestinian prisoners after the “battle of the empty stomachs,” the Karameh hunger strike, when prisoners were to receive medical treatment. He said that this confirms the importance of taking new steps to defend our strugglers and heroes who are suffering illness inside the occupation prisons, saying that the “absence and silence of human rights organizations” must end.

Sa’adat said that “the occupation must be forced to implement the Fourth Geneva Convention on prisoners of war. It is a shame that those who claim to protect democracy and human rights remain silent about the crimes and violations committed against our prisoners.”

Take action to demand the release of sick prisoners! Click here to take urgent action at Samidoun’s website.