Sa’adat: The new task of the prisoners’ movement is to build our unity towards freedom


ahmad-saadat2Ahmad Sa’adat, the imprisoned national Palestinian leader and General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, was moved to Shatta prison following his release from solitary confinement and isolation into the general prison population, an achievement of the prisoners’ hunger strike. Sa’adat said that the prisoners’ movement is now in a new phase following the heroic hunger strike and its great achievements, and that the task now is to restore the cohesion of the prisoners’ movement on a united national basis, said Ashraf al-Khateeb, a Palestinian lawyer who met with Sa’adat in Shata prison.

Sa’adat emphasized that the strike’s accomplishments are achievements for the entire Palestinian people, and that the coming path to freedom remains a long march with many demands that need consistent unity and action for victories, including the right to education, continuing manifestations of the “Shalit law,” prevention of family visits, and other issues. He also expressed his strongest condemnation of the continuing use of administrative detention and the renewals of administrative detention against a number of prisoners in violation of the occupier’s pledge to not renew administrative detention.