October 17-24: Global Week of Action in solidarity with Ahmad Sa’adat and Palestinian Prisoners


oct1724Ahmad Sa’adat, Palestinian leader, parliamentarian and General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, has been held in Israeli jails since March 15, 2006. Before that time, he was held in Palestinian Authority jails, under US and British guard, since January 2002.

After 11 years of imprisonment of Ahmad Sa’adat, we raise our voices once more to say: Free Ahmad Sa’adat! Free Palestinian Political Prisoners!

Events will take place throughout Palestine and around the world to mark these days and stand in solidarity with Ahmad Sa’adat and the 5200 Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails.

Sa’adat spent over three years in isolation until the prisoners’ achievements in the Karameh mass hunger strike of thousands of Palestinian prisoners in April-May 2012.

On October 22, 2009, an international day of action was held in support of Ahmad Sa’adat, with events in Ireland, Italy, the US, Palestine, Denmark, Greece, Brazil, Britain and more. From October 5-15, 2010, events took place around the world marking Sa’adat’s 500th day in isolation and solitary confinement, and demanding his release. On October 18, 2011, a hunger strike that began on September 25, 2011 came to an end as 1,000 Palestinian prisonrs were freed in an exchange – and the Israeli state made later-broken promises to end isolation.

This year, from October 17-24, 2013, stand for freedom for Ahmad Sa’adat and his fellow Palestinian prisoners. Demand their release and make it clear that they are not forgotten.

Use the form below to let the Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat know about your local action. We will list your events on the Campaign website and publicize them.

Suggested actions:

  1. Protest at your local Israeli consulate or embassy.
  2. Distribute flyers or handbills about Ahmad Sa’adat and Palestinian prisoners (resources to be added to the Campaign site)
  3. Post or drop a banner calling for freedom for Ahmad Sa’adat and Palestinian prisoners in your city.
  4. Hold a forum or educational event on Ahmad Sa’adat and Palestinian prisoners’ struggle.

For assistance and support in your activities, please contact the Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat at campaign@freeahmadsaadat.org.

Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat
September 15, 2013

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