Call to Action: October 17-24 – Free Ahmad Sa’adat, Georges Abdallah, and all Palestinian Prisoners! Support the Palestinian Resistance!


Freedom for Ahmad Sa’adat, Georges Ibrahim Abdallah and all Palestinian Prisoners! Support the Palestinian Resistance!


Français via Coup Pour Coup 31

Deutsch via BDS Berlin

Today, in Palestine, the Palestinian people are rising up, marching, demanding justice and an end to the settlements, ethnic cleansing, and apartheid that has ravaged their land. The Zionist state is repressing Palestinians with massive brutality: shooting down Palestinian youths in murderous extrajudicial assassinations, rounding up demonstrators in mass arrests, closing Jerusalem’s Old City to Palestinians, attacking Al-Aqsa Mosque with invasions and burnings, and sending mobs of settler colonists to attack Palestinian villages. Hundreds of Palestinians have been wounded with US-made and funded tear gas and bullets in the past several days.

Today, in Palestine, the Palestinian people are rising up, marching, demanding justice and an end to the settlements, ethnic cleansing, and apartheid that has ravaged their land. The Zionist state is repressing Palestinians with massive brutality: shooting down Palestinian youths in murderous extrajudicial assassinations, rounding up demonstrators in mass arrests, closing Jerusalem’s Old City to Palestinians, attacking Al-Aqsa Mosque with invasions and burnings, and sending mobs of settler colonists to attack Palestinian villages. Hundreds of Palestinians have been wounded with US-made and funded tear gas and bullets in the past several days.

And Palestinians are rising up! From inside the prison walls to the streets of Jerusalem, Nablus, Al-Khalil, Tulkarem, Nazareth, Palestinians are resisting. Zionist occupation forces are waging a campaign of terror, arrest and assassination as well as the demolition of the family homes of Palestinian resisters and martyrs, while the bodies of slain Palestinian youth are being held hostage by the Zionist state.

Amid the rising in Palestine, we stand with the Palestinian prisoners, the Palestinian people and the Palestinian Resistance! The Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat urges the widest international participation in a Week of Action for Freedom for Palestine and its imprisoned leaders of the Resistance.

The Zionist state has announced its intention to intensify the use of administrative detention in an attempt to silence the Palestinian masses on the streets. Inside the prisons, Palestinian prisoners are daily stripped of their most basic natural and human rights, facing brutality and oppression.

Thousands of the leaders and resisters of the Palestinian people are held captive in Zionist jails. Ahmad Sa’adat – the General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – is one of these Palestinian national leaders, alongside his comrades of resistance.

As Palestine and the Palestinian people are under attack, the imperialist and colonialist states: the United States, Canada, Australia and European governments – continue to arm, support and empower the Zionist project in Palestine and its attacks on the Palestinian people. We see this in the case of Rasmea Odeh, who will bring her appeal to a US court on October 14 after years of persecution. Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, Lebanese Arab communist struggler for the liberation of Palestine, has been imprisoned in French jails for 32 years, an anniversary marked on October 24 with an international day of action and a massive national march to the prison in Lannemezan, France where he is held.

On this week of action, we demand freedom for Ahmad Sa’adat, for Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, for all Palestinian prisoners and prisoners for Palestine! We stand with the Palestinian masses rising up throughout Palestine, and the Palestinian communities in diaspora and revolutionary and anti-imperialist movements around the world who are rising up for liberation!

It is also critical to build the boycott and international isolation of the Zionist state on all levels and the corporations that are deeply involved in sustaining its repression, in particular the British-Danish security company G4S, that provides control rooms and security systems for the prisons where Palestinian prisoners – children, adults, elders, leaders, organizers – are held.

On October 17-24, 2015, take action: organize protests, actions and events in your area to demand freedom for Ahmad Sa’adat, Georges Ibrahim Abdallah and all of the Palestinian and Arab political prisoners in occupation prisons and facing oppression and imprisonment around the world.


1. Demonstrate outside Israeli and U.S. consulates and embassies in support of the Palestinian people and against ongoing Israeli crimes. Demand freedom for all Palestinian prisoners, and freedom for Palestine. Find Israeli consulates in your city here.

2. Download and distribute this leaflet on the case of Ahmad Sa’adat and Georges Ibrahim Abdallah and use our other resources to poster and flyer in your communities.

3. Protest at French embassies and consulates on October 24 and demand the release of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah. Find French consulates in your area here.

4. Email us about your actions for Ahmad Sa’adat, Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, and Palestinian prisoners! Contact us at

5. Boycott, Divest and Sanction!  Palestinians have called for an international boycott of Israel until it ends its apartheid policies and violation of Palestinian rights. Boycott products like Hewlett-Packard, Ahava and SodaStream, and demand divestment from companies like G4S, who provide security services to Israeli prisons. Learn more about the campaign


Toulose, France
Saturday, 17 October

5:00 PM
Charles De Gaulle Square (Capitole Metro)
Toulose, France
Facebook Page:
From Toulouse to Gaza, Support Georges Abdallah and Palestinian Resistance: Symbolic renaming of Charles De Gaulle Square and Street

Copenhagen, Denmark:
Sunday, October 18, 2015
2:00 – 4:00 pm
Solidarity House, Griffenfeldsgade 41, Nørrebro, Copenhagen
Is a third intifada on the way? Lecture and discussion with Khaled Barakat, Coordinator of the Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat.
Organized by Internationalt Forum/Middle East Group

Berlin, Germany:
Saturday, October 24, 2015

2:00 pm
French Embassy, Pariser Platz, Berlin, Germany
Facebook Event:
Freedom for Georges Ibrahim Abdallah! Demonstration

Lannemezan, France:
Saturday, October 24, 2015
2:00 pm
National Demonstration, March from Lannemezan train station to the front of Lannemezan Prison, Free Georges Abdallah!
(Bus from Toulouse, from Basso Cambo Metro at 11:00 AM)
Annual national demonstration – with participants from across France, demanding freedom for Georges Abdallah

Brussels, Belgium:
Saturday, October 24, 2015
5:30 PM
French Consulate, 42 Bld du Regent, 1000 Bruxelles
Protest: Freedom for Georges Ibrahim Abdallah!


حملة التضامن مع القائد ” سعدات ” تدعو إلى المُشاركة في أسبوع التضامن مع  الأسرى بين 17 – 24 أكتوبر

 فلسطين المحتلة/ شتات

5 أكتوبر 2015


دَعت حملة التضامن الدوليّة مع القائد الوطنيّ الأسير أحمد سعدات الأمين العام للجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطين ، إلى المشاركة الشعبية الواسعة في أسبوع التضامن مع الحركة الوطنية الأسيرة الذي تُنظمه الحملة وأصدقائها في فلسطين المحتلة والعالم بين 17 و 24 أكتوبر في كل عام .

وقالت الحملة أن تصاعد الهجمة الصهيونية التي تُهندسها سلطة السجون الصهيونية بحق الأسرى والأسيرات وما تشهدة المعتقلات من حالة توتر يومية ومصادرة لابسط الحقوق الطبيعية والانسانية والقانونية للأسرى والمعتقلين وإتساع حملات الإعتقالات وخاصة في الضفة الفلسطينية المحتلة وزج المئات في السجون وفق قانون ” الإعتقال الاداري ”  وغيرها من ممارسات وحشية تستوجب من الكل الوطني تحمل مسؤوليته والتصدي لسياسة الاحتلال وقرارات محاكمه اللاشرعية وكشف وفضح ممارساته أمام الرأي العام الدولي.

وأكدت الحملة أن الرّد الطبيعي على سياسة سلطة السجون يكون بتصعيد مختلف اشكال النضال الشعبي وتطوير وتوسيع حملات التضامن مع الاسرى في مختلف الميادين وخاصة تفعيل المقاطعة الدولية على المستويين الرسمي والشعبي للإحتلال ومؤسساته الاقتصادية والسياسية والثقافية وللشركات الأمنية التي تدعمه وعلى رأسها الشركة العالمية المعروفة ب ” جي فور أس ” .

كما دعت الحملة الى التضامن الواسع مع المعتقلين الفلسطينيين والعرب خارج فلسطين المحتلة و المشاركة في المسيرة المركزية السنوية التي تنظمها حملة التضامن مع الأسير الأممي المناضل جورج ابراهيم عبد الله يوم 24 أكتوبر والذي يدخل عامه ال 32 في السجون الفرنسية.

الموقع الالكتروني الرّسمي للحملة.
