Tweet for Freedom! During the Week of Action for Palestinian Prisoners


During the October 17-25 Week of Action to Free Ahmad Sa’adat, Georges Ibrahim Abdallah and all Palestinian Prisoners, help raise awareness and support the struggle of Palestinian political prisoners by taking the campaign to social media.

Throughout – and before – the Week of Action, please tweet using the hashtag #FreeAhmadSaadat. For each day of the week, the Campaign will be introducing new hashtags for sharing news about Palestine, Palestinian prisoners and the struggle for freedom.

Start tweeting for freedom today:

Click to tweet: Demand family visits for Palestinian Prisoners! Week of Action October 17-25 #FreeAhmadSaadat

Click to tweet: Events around the world support Palestinian families, call for freedom for political prisoners #FreeAhmadSaadat

Click to tweet: #FreeAhmadSaadat and all Palestinian prisoners: take action October 17-25!

Click to tweet: Free Georges Abdallah from French injustice. Act October 17-25! #FreeAhmadSaadat

Click to tweet: 6,200+ Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails calling for justice. Break the silence Oct 17-25. #FreeAhmadSaadat

Follow @FreeAhmadSaadat and @wesam_k47 for new hashtags and Twitter updates from the Campaign throughout the week of action!

Please DM us at @FreeAhmadSaadat or write us at with your ideas or if you’d also like to take a lead in TwitterStorming for Freedom!